In this video, I demonstrate why the VASI is not appropriate for VFR flight to the runway and a steeper approach should be used when possible. Continue reading “Is the VASI glidepath high enough for a safe VFR approach?”
Flight Instruments: Pitot-Static System
The pitot-static system is a very reliable set of instruments that measure air pressure and display airspeed, altitude and vertical speed to the pilot using that information. Continue reading “Flight Instruments: Pitot-Static System”
Flight Instruments: Vertical Speed Indicator
The Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) displays the rate of climb or descent measured in thousands of feet per minute. It is considered to be a secondary instrument because it can generally be inferred from the altimeter. It is also considered to be unreliable in many circumstances because it has a delay.
Continue reading “Flight Instruments: Vertical Speed Indicator”